Vicky Kondi

Vicky Kondi

Resident Researcher in Climate Change Science at AIMS Research and Innovation Centre (AIMS RIC)

She conducts research and supports project implementation as well as other climate-related projects, co-supervising master’s, and PhD students. She serves as the Gender and Inclusion Officer, leading initiatives for Gender Equality, Diversity, and Inclusion at AIMS in Rwanda.

Specializing in Weather-Climate Services, Energy Demand Modeling, and Efficiency Management, her 11-year expertise spans climate change and health, environmental management, renewable energy, energy efficiency, water and sanitation, mathematical and climate modeling, and data analysis. She has consulted various international organisations such as GIZ, EU, African Union.
With numerous publications and reports, she contributes significantly to global challenges.

Beyond her professional roles, Dr. Vicky Kondi is dedicated to volunteerism. She is an Africa Climate Ambassador 2024, the International Network of Women Engineers, and Scientists
(INWES) Board Member for two terms, 2021-2023 and 2024-2026, promoting STEM fields and youth leadership, particularly among young women and Africa Union volunteer 2021.

Research Interest

Weather-Climate Services

Energy Demand Modeling

Efficiency Management
