Prof. Maria Fasli

Prof. Maria Fasli

Director, Institute for Analytics and Data Science, University of Essex

  1.  Maria is the Director, the Institute for Analytics and Data Science, University of Essex, where she is leading the institute’s development into a pan-University multidisciplinary and interdisciplinary institute covering different aspects of data science, analytics and Big Data. She is also the Executive Dean, the Faculty of Science and Health, at University of Essex. Maria studied BSc Informatics in Greece and obtained her PhD in Computer Science from the University of Essex in 2000. Her PhD work was on computational logics for intelligent systems. She was awarded a UNESCO Chair in Analytics and Data Science whose aim is to work with international collaborators and partners to develop research capacity and skills in data science and analytics for the benefit of society. Her research interests lie in artificial intelligence (AI) techniques and modelling structured/unstructured data. She has published over 130 papers in the field of AI and data science and has led, managed and contributed to a number of projects in these fields. 

Research Interest

Analytics / Data Science
