Olatunji Johnson

Olatunji Johnson

Visiting Lecturer

March 18th, 2024 – March 22nd, 2024

Dr. Olatunji Johnson is a lecturer in statistics in the department of mathematics. He did his PhD in Statistics and Epidemiology where he developed geostatistical methods for analysing spatially aggregated data. His PhD was under the supervision of Prof. Peter Diggle, Dr Emanuele Giorgi and Prof Jo Knight. He is the author of the SDALGCP and MBGapp R packages. He has used Model-based Geostatistical (MBG) methods to provide valuable answers to many global public health questions and support informed decision-making in low-resource settings. He has worked and currently working on several global public health problems including COPD, malaria and neglected tropical diseases (NTDs) such as river blindness, soil-transmitted helminths, schistosomiasis, Trachoma, Loiasis.

Research Interest

  • Geostatistics
  • Computational statistics
  • Spatial Epidemiology
  • Neglected Tropical Diseases
