Ernest Fokoue

Ernest Fokoue

Visiting Lecturer

April 1st, 2024 – April 5th, 2024

Ernest Fokoue is Professor in the School of Mathematics and Statistics at Rochester Institute of Technology (RIT) in Rochester, New York! Ernest Fokoue earned his PhD in Statistics from the University of Glasgow (UK) after a Master of Science degree in Neural Computation from Aston University (UK) and degrees in Mathematics and Computer from the University of Yaounde (Cameroon). He specializes in Statistical Machine Learning, Bayesian Statistics, Theoretical Statistics and Computational Statistics. He is co-author of the 2009 Springer Graduate Textbook entitled “Principles and Theory for Data Mining and Machine Learning”. He has been affiliated with AIMS-Rwanda since 2017 and has taught every year at AIMS since then! His teaching philosophy emphasizes the quintessential importance of fundamentals and preaches the unity of all fields of mathematical sciences and the central role of epistemology and philosophy in scientific research.

Research Interest

  • Statistical Learning Theory and Machine Learning
  • Optimal Prediction  in Statistical Function Approximation
  • Bayesian Statistics Machine Learning
  • Computational Statistics
