Crownie Ocha Eme

Crownie Ocha Eme

Research master's

Crownie’s keenness for the Mathematical Sciences and her fascination with computers influenced her pursuit for a bachelor’s degree in Mathematics and Computer Science at the University of Ghana, where she was exposed to a broad range of courses in the discipline. She proceeded to obtain a master’s in Mathematical Sciences at the African Institute for Mathematical Sciences – Ghana (AIMS-GH).

She found that her curiosity and abilities paired suitably in Quantum Computing and so, she focused her master’s research on the development of quantum algorithms, as she believes quantum computers will augment the computational power of today’s computers. After her bachelor’s degree in 2017, for her national service, she worked as a junior software developer at TinyDAVID Ltd. There, she designed and implemented algorithms for web and mobile software applications. With only a theoretical background in software development, she was able to thrive at TinyDavid because of her ability to work well in teams, her passion for research and her readiness to learn. In 2019, She also worked at Clearspace Research Labs where she assisted in developing a web application that controls Internet of Things devices. Currently, she’s pursuing an MPhil degree in quantum computing at Quantum Leap Africa/AIMS- Ghana in partnership with QuSoft at the Center for Mathematics and Computer Science, Amsterdam. Her project is under the supervision of Dr. Jop Briët. Her research is in the area of quantum algorithms and complexity with a focus on quantum self-test protocols. Consequently, she hopes to pursue a PhD in quantum computing and eventually work as a researcher on quantum computing applications at Google or IBM.

Research Interest
