Svitlana Mayboroda

Svitlana Mayboroda

Visiting Researcher

Svitlana is a McKnight Presidential Professor at the University of Minnesota, USA. Her expertise lies in harmonic analysis, geometric measure theory, and partial differential equations, as well as an extended range of applications of these fields ranging from condensed matter physics to materials science to engineering. Svitlana’s research concerns harmonic analysis and partial differential equations, including boundary value problems for elliptic partial differential equations. Her work has provided a new mathematical approach to Anderson localization, a phenomenon in Physics in which waves are confined to a local region rather than propagating throughout a medium, and with this explanation, she can predict the regions in which waves will be confined. She is a recipient of the Sloan Research Fellowship, NSF Career Award, and multiple interdisciplinary awards by the NSF. She is the Director of the Simons Collaboration, a $14M project devoted to the Localization of Waves.

Research Interest
