Prof. Wilfred Ndifon

Prof. Wilfred Ndifon

Director of research, African Institute of Mathematical Sciences(AIMS)

Wilfred is the Director of Research for the AIMS Global Network. He was previously appointed as the Joint Career Development Chair at the centres in South Africa and Ghana funded by the Canadian IDRC. He was a postdoctoral research fellow at the Weizmann Institute of Science, Israel. He received a PhD degree from Princeton University, USA, where he was a Burroughs-Wellcome Training Fellow in Biological Dynamics. He did undergraduate studies in biology at Morgan State University, USA, where he received a Regents’ Scholarship (offered to students with the highest scores in the SAT Reason-ing Test), and at Towson University, USA. Earlier, he was an undergraduate student in the University of Buea, Cameroon, majoring in mathematics and computer science, and minoring in physics.

Research Interest

Biological Sciences
Wilfred is a researcher who developed strong interest in solving health-related problems at an early age and went to the united states on a scholarship to study medicine.

His research interest is in elucidating the organizing principles of T-cell repertoires in health and disease, with the ultimate goal of developing new approaches (including diagnostics) to controlling various communicable and non-communicable diseases. His main research tools are mathematics, computation, and high-throughput RNA/DNA sequencing.
