Everlyn Asiko Chimoto

Everlyn Asiko Chimoto

PhD Student

Everlyn has a BSc in Computer Science(First Class Honours) from Masinde Muliro University of Science and Technology; an MSc in Mathematical Sciences(With Distinction) from the African Institute for Mathematical Sciences(AIMS)/University of Cape Town(UCT); awarded Paul G. Allen Family Foundation Scholarship for outstanding achievement on her Master’s.

She is a Teaching assistant at Neuromatch Academy, Was a mentor in the Andela Learning Community program and the Technovation Challenge, Organizer at the Nairobi Women in Machine Learning and Data Science(NWiMLDS) community and member of the Masakhane community that strengthens NLP research in African languages

Research Interest

Her research interests include Natural Language Processing(Machine Translation)
Research projects Neural Machine Translation for Low-Resource Languages supervised by Professor Bruce Bassett.
