Dr. Yae Ulrich Gaba

Dr. Yae Ulrich Gaba

Postdoc researcher

Yaé U. Gaba completed his doctoral studies at the University of Cape Town (UCT, South Africa) with specialization in Topology and is presently a postdoc fellow at Quantum Leap Africa (QLA). He also holds a research Master’s degree in Pure Mathematics from the African University of Sciences and Technology (AUST, Nigeria) in the area of Calculus of Variations. His research interests are applied algebraic topology (topological data analysis), geometric machine learning (graph and point-cloud representation learning). His current focus lies in geometric and variational methods in data analysis. The key job there is to design tools from Geometry, Topology and Functional Analysis useful in analysing and visualisation data. As a topologist, his work is also to seek for the applications of Asymmetric Topology to the complexity analysis of algorithms and in that line, his work also involves developing practical machine learning algorithms with rigorous theoretical foundations.

Research Interest

-Geometric Data Analysis
-Asymmetric Topology in Theoretical Computer Science.
