Data to quantum

Data to quantum

In recent years, Data driven decision making and scientific discovery has become essential for computing in areas such as finance and marketing, Internet of Things, telecommunications, climate, social, health-care, etc. While there have been some remarkable successes in the digital revolution, we might soon reach a point where the current computational tools will no longer be sufficient. There are many scientific challenges in Data Science ranging from data capture and storage to searching, modelling and visualization. The combination of quantum physics and information technology is a computational paradigm which has the potential to produce a new information processing device. Based on the laws of quantum mechanics, such a processing device seeks to carefully exploit quantum effects to resolve problems considered hard for classical machines.

How to apply

In this Data to Quantum workshop, Quantum Leap Africa (QLA) seeks to bring together leading researchers, industry practitioners, as well as potential users of data science, big data analytics and quantum information

Scientific committee

-Prince K. Osei, Quantum Leap Africa
-Bubacarr Bah, AIMS South Africa
-Youssef Travaly, AIMS-NEI

-Wilfred Ndifon, AIMS-NEI

-QLA Phase 1 working group

Local Organizing committee

Schedule Overview

-Moustapha Cisse, Facebook Research
-Charles Macal, Argonne National Laboratory
-Maria Fasli, Essex University
-Marivate Vukosi, CSIR Modelling and Digital Science
-Kareljan Schoutens, QuSoft
-Maris Ozols, QuSoft
-Zachariah Mmbasu, African Maths Initiative
-Yabebal Fantaye, AIMS South Africa
-David Stern, University of Reading
-Ernest Mwebaze, Makerere University
-Danny Parsons, Oxford University
-Nikolaos Vasiloglou, Ismion Inc
-Osemeke Osokogu, ELSEVIER
-Patrick McSharry, CMU
-Abdulmajid Osumanu, University of Waterloo
-Issa Karambal, Sheridan College
-Prosper Ngabonziza, Max-Planck-Institute for Solid State Research

Event Pictures