Postdoctoral fellowships in data science

Department: Research
Location: Rwanda

Position Overview

In partnership with the Carnegie Corporation of New York, the African Institute for Mathematical Sciences (AIMS) is inviting new and recent PhD holders with an interest in Data Science and its related disciplines (such as Mathematics, Statistics, Machine Learning, Quantum Machine Learning, Cluster Analysis, Data Mining, Big data Analytics, Data Visualization, Artificial Intelligence, Neural Networks, Deep Learning, Deep Active Learning, Cognitive Computing among others), to apply for one of seven attractive postdoctoral fellowship opportunities at its pioneering research center – Quantum Leap Africa (QLA) in Rwanda.

Successful candidates will each benefit from financial support of up to $28 440 per annum for a two year postdoctoral term. Funding is also available for conferences and international scientific events. The term can be renewed based on satisfactory progress. Fellows would preferably be based at QLA in Rwanda and could be affiliated to any of the AIMS Research Centers and spend time in other international partner universities or research centers. Beneficiaries may also be affiliated to any recognized institution of higher learning located in the same country as the AIMS Research Centre.

The AIMS-Carnegie Research program in Data Science and its Applications aims to position Africa at the forefront of information science. It also seeks to ensure that scientists worldwide are able to fully contribute to the above goal.

Key responsibilities

Entry requirements

Applicants can be from any country.
Applicants must hold at least a PhD degree in any field related to mathematical
sciences before the start date of this position.
Applicants should be interested in undertaking research in Data Science and its related disciplines (such as Mathematics, Statistics, Machine Learning, Quantum Machine Learning, Cluster Analysis, Data Mining, Big data Analytics, Data Visualization, Artificial Intelligence, Neural Networks, Deep Learning, Deep Active Learning, Cognitive Computing among others)
Knowledge in mathematical modelling would be an advantage.
Applicants are encouraged to collaborate with at least one researcher at AIMS; however, this is not mandatory.
Applicants must be open-minded, and must be willing to conduct their research at their preferred AIMS Research Centre, or a designated partner institution in one of the AIMS host centers.

How to apply

Applicants must use the online application portal to apply. The following documents must also be submitted through the online portal.
-a completed proposal form,
-a letter of motivation,
-a curriculum vitae,
-electronic copies of three representative publications, if applicable.

These supporting documents should be submitted in a pdf format and named using the following format: AIMS-Carnegie-Smallgrants–first and last name of applicant-type of document-monthyear of submission” e.g. AIMS-Carnegie-Smallgrants–JohnJake-CV-Jan2020.

Before starting the application process, applicants should provide complete and accurate contact information (email address, title, names) of two referees who will provide confidential letters of support on their behalf. We will request these letters of support directly from the referees. It is the applicant’s responsibility to provide their referees with a copy of the ‘Terms of Reference’ and the ‘Instructions for Referees’. The applicant is also responsible for ensuring that their referees have received the request for a letter of support from us and have submitted the requested letters to us on time.

QLA brings together a multidisciplinary team of
scholars to lead the development of our priority
research programs.